
Comments are back up! YAY! Also - Erin, of gigglechick.com fame, helped me tweak my blog template. I love it. Thanks SO much babe! I owe you big. I'll buy you a drink when we go out..
The comments are there.. but it just SAYS 0 comments... weird weird!
Ok - where on earth are all my comments??
According to a Chinese allegory, a mother mouse took her babies out to seek food and to teach them the ways of life. On their journey, they came across a huge chunk of cheese placed in an iron box with an open door. The baby mice were excited and wanted to rush in. But the mother mouse stopped them and sternly warned they to stay away from this box, because it was a dangerous trap. "Anyone who goes into the box will never come out alive," the mother told her children. Unfortunately, her children didn't understand the danger and began to argue with her. Finally, the mother mouse decided that the only way to teach her children about the danger would be to show them. After making sure her children remained at a safe distance, the mother walked in. As soon as she did, the door of the box shut and locked her in. The mother then took a bite of the cheese and was poisoned. With her dying breath she urged her children to leave quickly and to remember this lesson always. Wow.
It's a BOY! Congratulations to Zannie and Allan