I hope everyone had a great Labor Day. I shopped.
I have been on a mission to find cleats for Moira. She starts soccer on Wednesday (which happens to be the first day of school too. Wah!). I cannot find cleats in her size anywhere. I looked in KMart, WalMart, the sports shop in my neighborhood. Nothing. So, the girls and I will be going to Dick's Sporting Goods tomorrow, where I will have the privilege of paying way too much money for her cleats. ::sigh::
I had to do a ton more laundry today. It has been so chilly we all have been wearing jeans. Thank goodness I had finished back to school shopping a while ago and had jeans that fit the girls!
Go vote for Da Goddess -
Is she Hot or Not?
By the way, my ratings are slipping ::hint hint:: C'mon and vote for me too!
I certainly didn't get enough sleep for the past couple nights. Busy days!
On Sunday, I woke up to a downpour. Ugh. I dragged myself into the shower and attempted to make myself presentable. I managed to make the 830am service (10 minutes late) and sat through the teacher's meeting. Sunday School starts on the 15th. After church, I zipped over to Bruno's (still raining) and picked up my deli order for the week.
After lunch, we visited my sister in law and her hubby, my niece and my new nephew. Of course, he's just adorable. His name is Colin Michael. He's so tiny! We stayed a bit too long and didn't get home until 7pm! The kids didn't have dinner until 745pm. Moira wanted to watch an Arthur special on PBS which featured the Backstreet Boys. It was pretty cute. The kids loved it.
After the kids went to bed, Paul and I worked out some plans as to how we would like to build our addition. We need to work on it some more. What we have sketched out now adds a new master bedroom with a full bath and walk in closet, an all purpose room with a utility closet, and we also have plans to redo the kitchen and bathroom. I can't wait!