I am posting from the college's computer lab. Apparently the professor will be running a little late in starting the class. So, we can surf for a while.. fun fun. I am so excited about this class.. I was worried about being the oldest one here. I shouldn't have worried ::teehee::
Hi ho.. hi ho.. it's off to school I go...
Will write more later.. BYE!
ICKY icky! It was 68 degrees yesterday and it's snowing today. How frigged UP is our weather? What's next.. a blizzard in July?
I got my book today!
Read Less, Learn More HTML by IDG books.
Class starts tomorrow! Wish me luck!
Mom will be going home on Thursday (I think!). She is doing so well, thank God! YAY!
Hahaha! The reason I find this funny is because I am half Iranian!
By the way, whoever wrote the above online test should *really* have used his spelcheker.