Good morning!
I feel like I have neglected my blog.. but I have good reasons why! LOL! Mom came down yesterday morning with her car full of stuff, including Nana's jewelry box. My grandparents wedding anniversary is tomorrow. God - April sucks.
Moira goes back to school today - thank you sweet Jesus! She is being a booger this morning... dragging her feet and moaning "My stomach hurts" and "I don't want to go to school". Too bad! BUH bye. It looks like I will be driving her to school this morning since I got up about 15 minutes late. Crap. Well - actually - that's not such a bad thing. I have a ton of errands to do so Olivia will be eating her breakfast a la carte this morning. Moira starts soccer this week and it runs until mid-June. I have to buy her cleats since she out grew hers from the fall.
Well- I have to wake up the baby beastie and get her ready. I will catch up later. TA!