
Tim came down this morning - the girls had SO much fun! They don't get to see Uncle Timmy (or Timmykins as Moira delighted in calling him) as much as they would like to see him. The girls were all over him - the poor bastard ::hehe:: I made homemade chicken noodle soup (yummy!) and we also had sandwiches. Tim took Moira out on her bike and he carried Olivia on his shoulders. They were in heaven! A very nice afternoon was had by all. After Tim left, Olivia took her nap, Paul took his nap and Moira watched the end of "Star Wars" while I got dinner organized. Roast beef, mashed potatoes, broccoli, homemade gravy.. yummy yummy!! The girls got to bed late tonight - I can't believe tomorrow is Palm Sunday! SHEESH! I am so not ready for Easter.
I used write on my-diary.org, before I discovered the joys of blogging. I decided to write here because of the ease of use and the format is SO much better. I copied my previous postings for my own records, in case my diary got deleted. I wrote about my Nana, the girls, the usual stuff. I only posted 8 or 9 times. If you have some time to kill, check it out here. If you search by diary owner, I am QueenKate ::giggle::