
What's for Dinner? has some great recipes listed. C'mon over and check it out. Let me know if you want to join up and contribute!
The hayride was a great success. The girls had a blast. We must have had 30 people crammed in it, between girls and Moms. Each girl got to pick out a small pumpkin to bring home. It was pretty cute. Thank goodness the next one is a year away!

Miss O
My girls
The brownie troop has a hayride today. It should be a lot of fun. It is pretty cold now - I hope it warms up!
The appraisor is coming this morning - Di-Tech is sending them and he should be here around 930am. I cleaned the house last night and I quick cleaned the bathroom this morning. I am curious to see what the house is currently worth. Olivia slept through the night - hooray! No midnight breathing machine treatment - thank goodness. She still has a disgusting cough and a slightly runny nose. Ew