Even thought I am currently unemployed (and broke since we live in NJ), I do like the fact I am home for the girls. Yes, they are teenagers but I do enjoy the extra time with them.
The 17yr old is a senior in HS, she is running in many different directions. Staying on top of college apps, school clubs, horseback riding, AP and honors classes, then homework, homework, and more homework. I don't know how she balances it out. Well, yes, I do - she doesn't have a job and a car. So, I end up driving her around like she is Miss Daisy - lucky me. I can't complain.. she is a good girl and works so very hard. Still a bit scattered but slowly getting more organized every day. I hope she has it all together for college next year. WOOHOO!!
My 13 yr old, she's another story. Brilliant... but lazy . Soooo lazy. I hate having to nag her. When she turns everything in - boom! Straight A's. Other times, it's just crusing along... What the hell kid?? I am hoping that by the time she gets to HS next year, she will be more motivated. Husband and I are on top of her this year..thank goodness grades are online and it's just SO easy to contact teachers and guidance counselors.
I was just informed by my 17yr old that, in her circle of friends, I am referred to as the "white" Tiger Mom . I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not... I will take it as one :)
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