Allison will be my new hostess (with the mostess, I might add!). She kindly set up a test blog for me to play with. Oy - MT is a lot more work. But, I am not complaining... yet.. ::grin:: I got a bit of a head start on the templates last night, until we lost power a little before 11pm. Nothing flickered or wavered.. just POOF! No power. Whoa - it was weird. Very surreal - the entire neighborhood was completely dark. Add cold and rain to that. YIKES! It was only out for 20 minutes, thank goodness. I would hate to lose heat and water for an extended period of time.
Today is my Father in Law's birthday. I have to have the kids call him when Moira gets home from school this afternoon. Our church is having a mischief night party for all kids in the area. They are expecting a large turnout. I don't know if Moira is going to go or not. It runs from 6-9pm and she is usually in bed by 815-830. I think we will pass for tonight - she doesn't do too well when she loses sleep. Plus - she has a party after school tomorrow until 6pm. Life is good!
My lunch break.....
Got Moira off to school just fine. Today was Hat Day at school so Moira wore a straw cowboy hat. She looked really cute. After the bus picked her up, Olivia and I headed back home and ate breakfast. I had made plans with Olivia that we would work in her room today, cleaning it up and putting in a new lamp and a little radio for her *new* desk. 945 - the phone rings. It's the school nurse. Moira is complaining of bad ear pain in her right ear. Now - she is not the type of kid to fake it. She loves school and I know she wouldn't want to miss Hat Day unless she felt crappy. She was only at the nurses office once last year. Besides - she is all stuffy like the rest of us so I can imagine that she is feeling bad. Olivia and I picked her up and brought her back home. I had her change into sweats and then we all went into Olivia's room. I hauled out *2* garbage bags (lawn and leaf sized bags) full of old and broken toys. She has one of those Little Tykes combo toybox/bookcase pieces and I finally reached the bottom of it. Ew - I was pretty grossed out. Just about everything that was touching the bottom got tossed. I vaccuumed it, windexed it then vaccuumed it again. It was really stinky. It took me about 2 hours to clean that room out and I still have a little bit left to do in there. We took a lunch break about 20 minutes ago and now they are off playing somewhere.. in Moira's room, judging from the sounds I am hearing down the hallway.
I had a very nice weekend.
Saturday night, I had a lovely telephone chat with everyone's favorite indie rock librarian (aka Mary Carmen). We talked for 2 hours! You must go to her blog and visit her. She is super cool. Mary - it was great talking to you. Hopefully, we will meet soon.
Today, I taught Sunday School. I only had 5-6 kids in class. They were really out of control today - I really hate that. Lil boogers. Anyway - after church, we headed back home and had lunch. Moira had a buddy come over for a couple hours today and they had a blast in the backyard. I managed to catch up on laundry (7 loads - UGH!) and get dinner going tonight. We didn't eat until 6pm (late for us). Paul was in the attic and he pulled down Moira's old desk and we set it up in Olivia's room. She was SO excited to have her own desk! She jumped up and down and cheered.. THEN she asked "For my computer?" LOL! I told her as soon as Mommy gets a new one, she will get one. Everyone's computer will move one level down. Of course, we will network the house (Yippie!) when that happens. The kids didn't make it to bed until 830pm.
The Sopranos was pretty good tonight although I am so uncomfortable watching the drug storyline. And what the HELL was the deal with Tony beating the snot out of Zellman? Holy shit - that was just creepy as hell. Christopher is a jerk.. poor Ad. "Damaged goods" - that shit. Paulie's homecoming celebration was pretty damn funny. I still like him.. the funny bastard. He reminds me of my Uncle Tony - they resemble each other. Unfortunately, Unce Tony passed away over 12 years ago. Lord - I miss him..
Heading to bed in a few minutes..
G'night all! ::blowing kisses::
Weird - YACCS is still down. There is no mention of it on their main page.
Anyway - the girls and I survived the shopping trip. Actually, it was kinda fun ::grin:: I found some things on sale. Thank goodness the tops were on sale. I couldn't find any dressy pants. I was pleased at the decent selection of casual clothes. I managed to find her size in all the things she liked. Kids R Us had a pretty fun promotion for kids today. Around the store, employees has hidden black and orange eggs. Each child was allowed to collect 7 eggs and redeem them for prizes. The kids loved it! They got Halloween stickers, small stampers, pencils, crayons... stuff like that. It certainly made shopping a lot more fun!
I gotta get stuff cleaned up..
Later guys!
Well - it looks like YACCS is down.. again.
If anyone has a comment, I have a guestbook! Post it there.
My girls from the Brownie Troop sold 597 cans of nuts! That is awesome for a 1st year Brownie troop! It averages to about 35 cans per girl For that, we (the troop) will receive over $300!! We will have to figure out what we want to do with that money. Maybe a really cool trip to a show or circus...
So - just remember.. cookies will be available in January.. I am sure some of you lovely people would like to purchase some cookies. Heck - I have a paypal account! I'll mail 'em out to you Priority Mail.
Finally getting a chance to sit down and post. I know Blogger was being a pest earlier this afternoon. Things are looking ok now ::knocking wood::
Moira got off to school with the usual bruhaha. After that, Olivia and I did a few errands, sent some money for an auction and we just hung around the house. I took her outside for a little while and she was thrilled. She has been coughing for several days and running around this afternoon didn't seem to help the cough. But, I could tell she was so sick of being cooped up in the house. She got about 30 minutes of just running and screaming. It was pretty funny to watch her just freak out.
We met the school bus and came back home. I got dinner ready and then we hung around watching an old Trading Spaces episode with Gen and Hilde from season 1. Moira had a Country Line Dance tonight and she wanted Paul to be her partner (Awwwww!). It's another Girl Scout event. I get to stay home!! YAY!! Olivia is zoned out on Blues Clues tape and munching on an ice pop. Life is good.
Tomorrow, the girls and I are going shopping. I have to get some more pants for Moira. She has 4 pairs of jeans but nothing dressier. I want to get her a couple pairs of chinos and a pair of black dress pants. She can't always wear a dress to Sunday School - it's getting pretty damn cold outside! I am trying to make a big deal about having a "Girls Day Out". Plus - they get McD's for lunch! I think that's the only reason that Moira and Olivia are excited about shopping! LOL! I want to get to Kids R Us. I hear they carry some nice things. It's also near the mall so if I can't find anything at Kids, I'll head over to JC Penney's.
Paul and I have been catching up on some DVD's - Changing Lanes was awesome. Great happy ending. Bandits - wow.. I liked the ending. I thought it was a bit predictable but I really liked it a lot. I think I have a huge crush on Billy Bob! He looked so adorable! Bruce Willis, just hubba hubba!!! Tonight, it's Lord of the Rings! Woohoo!
Gotta go clean up - will write more later....maybe!
What's for Dinner? has some great recipes listed. C'mon over and check it out. Let me know if you want to join up and contribute!
The appraisor is coming this morning - Di-Tech is sending them and he should be here around 930am. I cleaned the house last night and I quick cleaned the bathroom this morning. I am curious to see what the house is currently worth.
Olivia slept through the night - hooray! No midnight breathing machine treatment - thank goodness. She still has a disgusting cough and a slightly runny nose. Ew
The parent-teacher conference with Moira's teacher went very well. Mrs. B (teacher) raved about her performance in the classroom. She is advanced in reading, writing and mathematics - top of the class. YAY! She is good in class, participates and gets along with all the kids. She will be moving up to the next reading level this week Go Moira!
::proud Mommy dance::
Didja ever just forget to do something? I mean - like - completely left your mind..never to come back again?
I did.. and so far it has cost me $600 and $60 worth of bank fees. I totally forgot to deposit a check. A rather large check. A check against which I had written out several other checks.
God - I am a freakin' idiot.
Moira has a half day today, tomorrow and Thursday. I need to buy her more pants. She only has 4 pairs jeans that fit her! I had purchased a couple pairs for her but they are still a little too big. Even with a belt. We are heading to the Mall right after school. I also need to exchange a dress from the Disney store. I hope they still have it available.
Olivia is all boogery right now. Plus, she has that barking cough which sounds like I have a seal hanging out in my living room. Guess who else now has a stuffy/runny nose?
Mom is doing ok - she is going to the doctor's today (she goes everyday) and she might have her treatment today. Hopefully, her white blood cells are high enough so she can get her treatment.
I am gonna veg out in front of the tv - the timer on the bread machine will wake me up ::grin:: I'll be getting Moira in 3.5 hours. I need all the rest I can get!
Sweet Jesus...
another shooting in Montgomery County, Maryland. People.. please be careful. David, Rachel - is this anywhere near you?
Just got back home from Moira's soccer game. Oh man - her team is pretty bad. But, they try pretty hard and have a great time. While playing tonight, Moira was running with her hands in her pockets (it was chilly). I called out for her to take her hands out of her pockets while she was running. She turns, looks at me and sticks her tongue out at me! The other moms standing next to me were like "Oooooooh, she's gonna get it!"
And - she is. No book tonight.
Oh - I forgot to write about what I said to Paul on Friday night when he came into bed. Actually, it was 230 in the morning, technically Saturday. He had stayed up watching Contact (Jodie Foster) and I just went to bed.
As he tells me:
When he came in the room, he got changed, turned the lights off and got into bed. Apparently, I sat straight up and asked him "Where's the soap?".He said my eyes were open and I seemed wide awake. He said he just said "What soap?" Again, I asked him "Where's the soap?". At one point, I was hitting my pillow, while asking "Where's the soap?!". He finally said "I don't have the soap! I don't know where it is!" According to Paul, I was pretty frustrated and I flopped back down and fell right back asleep.
He told me this yesterday morning, laughing really hard. I don't remember any of it.
Howdy hi gang!
The usual weekend goings ons around here. My Dad and Step-Mom came down for a quick visit. Thsi girls immediately hijacked my stepmom and dragged her off to play in Moira's room :::grin:: She sits and plays all kids of games with them. They love it! They stayed for about an hour. It's so nice that they come down as much as they do - makes me wish we lived a little closer...
Moira and I had to go to a birthday party for my friend's son. He turned 2 today. It was a very nice time - I hope he likes what I bought him - Duplos and Play-Doh ::hehehe:: Every kid should have Play-Doh. Lots and lots of it!
I had set up dinner earlier this morning so all I had to do was heat up rice and steam the broccoli. Yummy. Olivia scarfed it all down and Moira picked at it. She doesn't like stew beef, pot roast. She says it tickles her throat - she has this thing against chewy meat. The funy part was that the meat tonight was sooo tender.. it just fell apart when you tried to use the fork tines to pick it up! Goofy kid.
Trading Spaces is on! I am already watching the episodes again. I sorta like Doug's kitchen.. Vern's room was very nice too. I liked the colors he used, blue and sand. And that living room table with the sandbox? What the hell is that? I hope those homeowners don't have cats! P-U! The second show with Hilde and Gen - ew ew ew. Both rooms were pretty scary. Those homeowners - UGH! Wanted to slap them both! WAY WAY annoying!
Yay! A couple more people joined the What's For Dinner? blog. C'mon - don't make me beg - join up! WFD needs you!
I am pooped!
Moira had a half day of school today. Olivia and I did some errands and then met the bus by 1pm. We headed over to Blockbuster and rented 4 DVD's; Atlantis, Lord of the Rings, Changing Lanes (I love Samuel Jackson) and Bandits (love Bruce Willis too!). Should be a fun time tonight. We are doing McD's and letting the kidlets watch Atlantis in front of the tv - as a treat.
Anyway, I am pooped because I decided I wanted to re-arrange my living room. It's so small and we have too much furniture for it. I won't throw anything away until we tear up the carpet and replace it with the Pergo. I want to replace my 2 chairs, recliner and loveseat with a leather couch and 2 Poang chairs.
Gotta get back to work!
Friday Five!
1. How many TVs do you have in your home? 2
2. On average, how much TV do you watch in a week? Hmm - all of us combined.. I'd say 30-40 hours (Geez - that sounds awful)
3. Do you feel that television is bad for young children? A lot of shows are totally inappropriate for children. But I think that PBS shows like Sesame Street, Barney, Zoom, and Arthur are excellent for morale and learning.
4. What TV shows do you absolutely HAVE to watch, and if you miss them, you're heartbroken? (like you don't know - LOL!) Trading Spaces baby! Oh yeah, The Sopranos and Sex and the City too.
5. If you had the power to create your own television network, what would your line-up look like? Hmm - probably an odd combination of Trading Spaces episodes (featuring Doug - hey - it's mynetwork, right?), Junkyard Wars, BattleBots, Antiques Roadshow, animal shows and childrens programming.
I'm back from shopping. Lordy, I am tired. Aisles of food... I spent way too much money. But, I was running out of everything.. meat, garbage bags, dishwasher detergent, diapers (I only got a little pack yesterday at WalMart), margarine, vegetables.. I even found some cute Lisa Frank stuff for Moira.
Ugh - off to unpack and repackage the meats.
Joie gave me this lovely award! You are a doll ::grin:: Thank you!
Found this link to a Yahoo gripe (bitch) message board for my former employer. Nice to know things haven't changed in 2 years.
Finally - a chance to sit down for a little while.
Today was busy with Moira being home but the evening routine moved along very smoothly. Moira started coughing once we got her in bed - poor kid. We have given her as much stuff as she can take, just so she can try to go to sleep. She coughed for over an hour but seems to have settled down for now ::knocking wood::
I was weeding out a lot of my links from Internet Explorer and I have to really get all my AOL links out so I can shut it down ::gasping:: That will be SO weird when I shut down AOHell! LOL! I have SO many AOL links - it will take me forever to move them. Any ideas? Anyone? Anyone?
Is anyone interested in a recipe exchange/discussion blog?
I know of quite a few bloggers that mention when they have sampled new recipes or have some family favorites that can be whipped up in no time flat!
I set one up on blogger so please leave a comment and I will be MORE than happy to set you guys up as contributors!
Any takers?
I have been trying to keep the kids occupied this afternoon. I put on Monsters Inc and Moira flipped out. She says she's scared of the movie ::eyeroll:: I told her she could sit in the kitchen and not watch it. While Olivia and I watched, Moira would come creeping out, watch some of the movie then run back to the table. LOL. It was pretty funny. Of course, she couldn't stand NOT watching so she sat with us for at least half the movie. She cried at the end when Boo went back home. Awww. I cry at that scene every time too. Then, we put on the outtakes and she really got a kick out of them. I have a weird kid!
Now, they are watching Blues Clues. It's the episode when Steve introduces Joe into the show.
I had to go to Walmart today. Olivia had 3 diapers left. 3. ::sigh:: So, off to Walmart I go, in the goddamn rain, with 2 cranky kids. I bet you can all guess what fun we had. I did managed to pick up a winter coat for Moira while we were there. The trip wasn't a total loss. Except for my wallet. ::grin::
In response to Shannon's question about bonkos..
Read here to learn all about bonkos. It is a game played with 3 dice. There are 3 tables with 4 people per table. Each table has 3 dice. You play the numbers 1-6 each round and there are 3 rounds. You are partnered with the person sitting around from you. The object of the game is to roll the highest amount of points per game..
Scoring points is simple. During each round, each person must roll all 3 dice. Example: if you are playing round 1, you need to roll as many 1's as you can. A point is received for each 1. If you do not roll a 1, the dice are to be passed clockwise to the next person. If you roll 3 of a kind, it's 5 points. If you are lucky enough to roll 3 of a kind that matches the round you are playing (three 1's in round 1), that is a bonkos and it's 21 points. The game stops when the head table reaches 23 points. Then, the winners move up to the next table and the next game starts.
It's a lot of fun and it's a good excuse to have a few drinks! There are prizes awarded at the end of the 3rd round for highest games won, lowest game, door prize, most bonkos.. The age range for my group is 30 - 65 and boy do we have a blast!
Olivia and I did a quick trip to the health food store to pick up a couple things. I also wanted to check out their stock on a few items. It was a little disappointing not finding some of the items I wanted. No big deal. I will have to make a trip to Whole Foods soon. Has anyone shopped there? What do you think? It's about an hour drive, each way.
While coming home, I was driving (trapped) behind a ghost car. I swear... I could not see any driver at all. Of course, the car was Buick. Nuff said.
(link snagged from AskMen)
First-year students at medical school were receiving their first anatomy class with the body of a deceased man. They all gathered around the surgery table where lay the cadaver, covered with a white sheet.
The professor started the class by telling them, "In medicine, it is necessary to have two important qualities as a doctor. The first is that you must not be disgusted by anything involving the human body." To prove his point, the professor pulled back the sheet, stuck his finger in the butt of the corpse, withdrew it, and stuck it in his mouth. "Go ahead and do the same thing," he told his students.
The students freaked out, and after a few minutes of hesitation, took turns sticking a finger in the butt of the dead body and sucking on it.
When everyone finished, the professor looked at them and told them, "The second most important quality is observation. I stuck in my middle finger and sucked on my index finger. Now learn to pay attention!"
Howdy hi gang!
I had Bonkos tonight.. lots of fun. I didn't win any prizes though (bummer!) but it's always a good time to hang out and chat and play. My neighbor got me hooked into it and I have been playing for over a year now.
Moira had school today but she gets the first week of November off. Gee - lucky me! Hmm - let's see.. what else?? OH - the book club has been updated. Check us out!
I would have posted pictures of me and Mary if they had turned out ok. Paul took 2 pictures and they turned out really blurry. Mary posted a photo on her blog - check it out!
Mary just left about 10 minutes ago - she is certainly very very cool! She got down here around 1-ish. Paul and Moira got back home shortly after Mary arrived. We had a very nice lunch, chatting about all kinds of things. After lunch, Mary, Olivia and I ended up playing Play-Doh for almost 3 hours! We were just sitting at the table.. yakking and having a great time. Mary is extremely creative and came up with some great looking animals upon Olivia's requests. I have pictures of her creations that I will post up later. The girls were all over poor Mary, who was super nice to the girls. They can't wait for her to come down again!
I will post pictures later, after the monsters are in bed and I catch "The Sopranos"!
Well - Mary never made it down today due to weather conditions. But, that's ok.. we've rescheduled for tomorrow. It did rain all day so the kids were trapped inside. Paul and I needed to review our mortgage paperwork so I put on a movie for them and they kept reasonably still for a little while.
I was SO spoiled tonight! Doug was on both Trading Spaces episodes tonight. AND - looking mighty bootylicious too! I loved the white room. I would LOVE to have an all white room.. if I didn't have kids, a black cat or the fantastic ability to spill things all over my house. BUT - what in the wide wide world of sports was Kia thinking???? ASTROTURF?? For a BED?? It looked like a cross between "Night of the Living Dead" and "BeetleJuice"!! Is she on crack?? Holy Moses. And when the hell did the Dexy's Midnight Runners look come back into style? Oy - I was freaking out, watching her destroy the room. I did laugh really loud when Paige was nibbling at the brownies that Doug had rubbed, with his FEET! The look on her face - muwhahahahaha! I just love "The Doug" ::sigh:: he's just so damn sexy!
Moira and I got back from planting dune grass about 40 minutes ago. We had 6 other girls and their parents that showed up out of a total of 17. Oh well - it was fun anyway. A guy from the local newspaper showed up and took pictures of the troop! Wooohoo! Big excitement there. I couldn't wait to get home and jump in the shower!
Mary is on her way! Bread is baking.. and I gotta finish cleaning up!
Later gators!
Hello out there!!
After dinner, we took the kids to the local firehouse. All the kids in the local schools (K-6) drew posters. There were 2400 posters that were judged. They announced the winners tonight. Smokey the Bear was there as well as Sparky the FireDog. Moira and Olivia got their picture taken with them. They also got to use a fire hose! Of course, not set at full strength - haha! That would have been really funny ::snicker:: It was a really nice time - they also checked out the pumper trucks and there was a REALLY cool ladder track. It was already extended out to full length - wow! Very impressive!
Rainy day today! We were late again for school ::sigh:: Thank God it's Friday - I will be cleaning the house today. Ew. Hey Mary, you'd better appreciate this! LOL!
Friday Five
1. If you could only choose 1 cd to ever listen to again, what would it be? James Taylor's Greatest Hits (it's a double cd set)
2. If you could only choose 2 movies to watch ever again, what would they be? The Sting and Singin' in the Rain
3. If you could only choose 3 books to read ever again, what would they be? The Hobbit, the Bible, The Bachman Books by Stephen King
4. If you could only choose 4 things to eat or drink ever again, what would they be? Water, Ranier cherries, pizza and cinnamin rolls!
5. If you could only choose 5 people to ever be/talk/associate/whatever with ever again, who would they be? Man - that's tough! I am a very social person (gee - like you guys couldn't tell huh?) Paul, Moira, Olivia, my Mom and Dad. But, I'd be l missing my brother, step mom, inlaws, nieces and nephews and all my friends!
(link snagged from Kat)
Which Disney Princess are you?
We had a great night tonight. Moira borrowed 6-7 books from the library. She also got another library card to replace the one she lost. I picked up a couple Sue Grafton books and a couple Jackie Collins. C'mon - ya gotta have some easy reading too! I also chatted with Mary C via AIM tonight. It was SO nice to talk with you!
Right now, I am shopping on Oriental Trading Company. I need crafts for Brownies and Sunday School plus I am also buying a bunch of pencils and stickers for my church. We hold a Mischief Night party for all the kids in town. They don't have to be church members to attend and it's just a lot of fun.
Not too much else here. I did catch Scrubs and Will & Grace tonight. Scrubs was pretty damn funny. Will & Grace, it was ok. I am so distracted by Debra Messing's bony neck and chest (or lack thereof) that I can't really concentrate on the show. I do like Karen the most - she cracks me up! AND - I think Sean Hayes is wildly talented.
(another cool quiz snagged from Mary C. Be sure to check out her new layout.. it's awesome!)
i am open-minded!

How indie are you? test by ridethefader
You're pretty knowledgeable about music in general. You like indie music, sure, but that's only part of it. You'll listen to any old shit as long as it sounds good to you. You're not snobby about music at all, you just like what you like. How boring. Curiously, this makes you popular with the opposite sex.

How indie are you? test by ridethefader
You're pretty knowledgeable about music in general. You like indie music, sure, but that's only part of it. You'll listen to any old shit as long as it sounds good to you. You're not snobby about music at all, you just like what you like. How boring. Curiously, this makes you popular with the opposite sex.
I talked to my Mom this morning and she isn't feeling to well. The plan was to go to Mom's for dinner tonight. Yesterday she was given prednisone (steriods) and she was on a high - doing a zillion things, super high energy level! I guess today she crashed. Poor Mom. She was so upset about cancelling dinner. I think it's for the best although Moira will be slightly disappointed. I think I'll take her to the library after school today. That always perks her up!
Paul and I decided to refinance our mortgage so last night I called Ditech. I was on the phone for about 40 minutes but we were approved for the new mortgage at an interest rate of 5.375%! Woohoo! We were originally paying 8%. ::Happy dance:: Plus, we are going to do a 15 year fixed so the mortgage will be paid off before I am ::gulp:: 50. Hell - we might even have a life! ::gasp::
Fla. Executes Female Serial Killer
STARKE, Fla. (AP) - Serial killer Aileen Wuornos was executed Wednesday, more than a decade after she murdered six men along central Florida highways while working as a prostitute.
Wuornos, 46, became the 10th woman executed in the United States since the death penalty resumed in 1976, according to the Death Penalty Information Center.
She was pronounced dead from lethal injection at 9:47 a.m. in Florida State Prison near Starke.
``I'd just like to say I'm sailing with the Rock and I'll be back like Independence Day with Jesus, June 6, like the movie, big mothership and all. I'll be back,'' Wuornos said from the execution chamber. The Rock is a Biblical reference to Jesus.
Gee - and here I thought it was that wrasslin' guy..
Jennifer aka The Working Mom said this:
I've been having trouble sleeping the past few nights... maybe its because of our upcoming move. Or because of my job. or...??? Last night I was stuck thinking about Rachel. So much, that I had to really fight the urge to go in and wake her up just so I could hold her. (Figured she'd be kinda pissed at me if I did that) ;-)
Right before we went to bed, I stumbled across a book my sister-in-law had made for her. It was a picture book - pictures of Rachel with everyone in our family... Each of my parents, Sam's parents, our siblings, her cousins, etc. The book is about 1 year old(?) and the pictures of Rachel... my heart dropped... she doesn't look anything like that anymore. I realized looking at her picture time is just zooming by me.
I know you've probably heard the same story from many parents. But until you see how quickly these kids grow... You don't notice a day. or a week. but when you look at a picture... maybe it was taken only a month ago... and you realize your child has changed so much... it scares the hell out of you. It hits you over the head like a ton of bricks, every minute that has passed. And every minute means this child growing away from you. Your measure of time suddenly becomes so detailed... Every second... every instant... So fast.
Her accomplishments amaze me. All the things she can do now. All the things she understands. Half the time I don't even know where or how she learned something. I'm in awe watching her grow... but the other half of me only wishes the days were longer... if only you could stop time...just for a little while...
I can't wait to hug Moira when she gets off the bus today.
I talked to my Mom around 530pm. She had just gotten home from her treatment today. Ugh. She sounded pretty woozy - they give her a lot of Benedryl during the treatment in case of an allergic reaction. So poor Mom was pretty doped up. I am sure she just went to bed and is probably still sleeping. Love you Mommy! ::smooch::
Just got off the phone with Mary. We talked for at least 90 minutes! She is SO cool! She is definitely coming down on Saturday - YAY! We are going to have so much fun!
I got a chance to sit in the recliner and doze for an hour. As Reading Rainbow ran it's closing credits, I look over at Olivia. She's curled up in a chair, fast asleep. The crappy part - I have to wake her up in 15 minutes so we can pick up Moira at the bus stop. Poor kid.
I can't believe I forgot to mention this last night but was anyone else just stunned that ABC, CBS and NBC did NOT air the President's speech last night? Holy crap. Damn liberal media. They would have aired Clinton's speech. I didn't ever think I would see such a deliberate snub like that.
By the way, I did email all three stations about that. What a disgrace.
Does anyone watch Monk? God - it is so funny! I have seen 2 of the new episodes and I think Tony Shalhoub is hysterical.
A great day today!
After I got Moira to school (we overslept), I had to drive to my inlaws place to pick up my cell phone. I had left it up in Hoboken Saturday night. Oops. When we got back home, I ran some more laundry, baked some bread and just relaxed. I finally finished "The Two Mrs Grenvilles" by Dominick Dunn. Not bad - it was entertaining. Dinner tonight was chicken breasts, rice and corn. I brought Moira to soccer. Her team lost. Again. But - they have a great time so who the hell cares? When we got home, around 715pm, Paul and Olivia were walking back up the street. They had stopped to chat with a neighbor and Paul ended up helping him fix some things with their computer. Olivia was thrilled - she got to play with their boys, ages 5 and 9. We had the usual nighttime routine, baths, meds, books, BEDS!
Watched President Bush tonight. Man - I hate the thought of war. BUT - there is a HUGE threat with chemical warfare and nuclear weapons. We have got to do something or there might not be a USA in the future. Hell - did anyone ever think that anyone would have the balls to fly planes into buildings? What would stop a terrorist from leaving a briefcase on the subway?
Warning - Sopranos discussion ahead!
I wanted to talk about last night's show in a little more detail. Is anyone one else thinking that Furio is adorable? When Carmela visited him while he was working in the yard.. oh MAN! Hubba hubba! And - what the hell is going on with Elliot? Why is he suddenly "bumping" into Tony? What was the deal with driving his BMW practically on Tony's heels? Really weird! I also have to comment on Ralph - I was so grossed out watching him lounge out at the pool.. ew. He's such a freakin' weasel! DeMaggio up in Rhode Island.. oh my GAWD! I damn near died laughing watching Christopher's and Silvio's reaction to the family. The woman that opened the door totally freaked me out! And when she walked up behind them and asked, "Do you want some cake?", Christopher damn near jumped out of his skin. LOLOL! WIll Tony call off the hit? Hmmm...
Forgive me Blogger for I have sinned...Almost 2 days of not blogging... Holy Crap!
Oh geez - where do I begin?
Friday night -
Stayed up too late watching Tango and Cash. God - I love that movie! Stallone and Russell - great combination.. and Jack Palance as the drug czar, well, he just rocks!!! So - I didn't get to bed until 1-130am. Paul stayed up and watched the rest of the movie. He didn't come in to bed until 2-230. Olivia woke up, coughing and wheezing around 4am. He got back up and took care of her nebulizer and tucked her back in bed.
Saturday -
I woke up around 8-ish. The girls were also awake. I fed them breakfast and started packing for our jaunt into Hoboken. I sent the girls in a couple times to wake Paul. He was pooped! We got all packed and hit the road by 1015am. The ride in was smooth sailing.. no problems at all. We took the NJ Turnpike to 14C - heading to the Holland Tunnel. Paul and I finally saw the NYC skyline. We've seen pictures of it since 9/11 but this was the first time we viewed it ourselves. I cried - I couldn't help it.
We finally got to my sis in law's place around 1230pm. I love her neighborhood. I have never been to Hoboken. Full of yuppie-ish type people (kids) and everyone had a phone stuck to their ear ::grin:: We decided to head into Manhattan by bus. I don't do subways. Period. ::shiver:: While waiting for the bus, we listened to a couple guys plaing music. One was playing the acoustic guitar and the other was playing the mandolin. Olivia was fascinated with them.The kids LOVED the bus ride in. No car seats. Olivia was so excited she practically bouncing up and down! The ride was only 20 minutes long - piece of cake.
We got dropped off at the Port Authority around 330pm and we headed off to 42nd street to check out the Toys R Us mega store. On our way there, we saw some awesome street dancers - just unbelieveably good. Moira gave them a dollar - she was pretty impressed. We walked by The Naked Cowboy. I have never seen this guy. Moira was giggling since he was standing in his underwear.

We finally make it to Toys R Us. Holy crap! It is freakin' humongous! I found this write up online: With more than 110,000 square feet to play with, the store has added truly amazing stuff, from a 10,000-pound, 20 foot-tall, animatronic T Rex that looms over shoppers, to a two-story Barbie playhouse, to (gasp) a working 60-foot high Ferris Wheel with 14 individually themed cars. Each of the 14 cars features a well-known toy icon so riders can take in the sights of the 3-level toy store with one of their favorite characters or toys riding with them! More than 20 other major attractions are in the works as well. When Moira and I walked in to the Barbie playhouse, Moira cried out "I just want to LIVE here forever Mommy!" LOL! Paul took a couple pictures of Moira and I, peeking out of the windows, when we were upstairs in the Barbie playhouse. By this time, it was almost 5pm. We decided to head back to Hoboken since we had to feed the kidlets. Finally get back around 6pm. Sis in law and I head BACK out to go to the market to get stuff for dinner. She lives near the waterfront so we walked over for a quick view of the city. Fabulous. I was stunned at the beauty of the city. I know that seems so cliche but it's true. We also watched a cruise ship sail down the waterway. It was the Golden Princess and boy did I wish to be there on that ship!

We hung out there for a little while then headed over to the market to get some food. My sis in law works like a maniac so her fridge was stocked with the basics.. VERY basics. Ketchup, mustard, salad dressing... basically, condiments! We cooked burgers and fries and made a salad. We all stuffed ourselves - all that walking certainly does good for ones appetite! We finally got home by 1030. The kids had passed out 1/2 way home - exhausted. We just carried them into bed. After we unloaded the rest of the car, we finally sat down just in time to watch Trading Spaces. I managed to get through the first episode with Doug and Frank. I didn't like either room.. Frank's room was just awful - the worst I have ever seen him do. I decided that I was going to watch the 2nd episode in the bedroom. Big mistake. I passed out before Vern and Edward even got started on the paint! I wanted to see the rooms too! Paul fell asleep in the living room too. He woke up around 230am, turned everything off and came into the bedroom to find me zonked out with lights on and TV going. ::grin:: Mom came down today for a visit and lunch and I have to say that I was pretty damn nervous about seeing her with no hair. See, my Mom used to have waist length hair. Yes, it was a long time ago but I will always remember Mom, wearing her hair up in a knot or with a bandana covering her hair when she cleaned the house on the weekend. It was shoulder length for over 10 years and now she is bald. I did good - I caught a look before she came inside. She was wearing a soft cap to keep her head covered. Moira was all execited about Mom being bald. Goofy kid. After she left, we did stuff around the house. I took the kids up front to ride their bikes. It was gorgeous today! Sunny and cool. After dinner - the kids played and I folded a ton of laundry ::ick:: Kids got a bath, book and hustled into bed. We watched the Sopranos - wooooohoo! Are things heating up over there or WHAT!!?! WHEW! I am exhausted! All this writing! I am gonna check out a few blog and then hit the rack!

We finally make it to Toys R Us. Holy crap! It is freakin' humongous! I found this write up online: With more than 110,000 square feet to play with, the store has added truly amazing stuff, from a 10,000-pound, 20 foot-tall, animatronic T Rex that looms over shoppers, to a two-story Barbie playhouse, to (gasp) a working 60-foot high Ferris Wheel with 14 individually themed cars. Each of the 14 cars features a well-known toy icon so riders can take in the sights of the 3-level toy store with one of their favorite characters or toys riding with them! More than 20 other major attractions are in the works as well. When Moira and I walked in to the Barbie playhouse, Moira cried out "I just want to LIVE here forever Mommy!" LOL! Paul took a couple pictures of Moira and I, peeking out of the windows, when we were upstairs in the Barbie playhouse. By this time, it was almost 5pm. We decided to head back to Hoboken since we had to feed the kidlets. Finally get back around 6pm. Sis in law and I head BACK out to go to the market to get stuff for dinner. She lives near the waterfront so we walked over for a quick view of the city. Fabulous. I was stunned at the beauty of the city. I know that seems so cliche but it's true. We also watched a cruise ship sail down the waterway. It was the Golden Princess and boy did I wish to be there on that ship!

We hung out there for a little while then headed over to the market to get some food. My sis in law works like a maniac so her fridge was stocked with the basics.. VERY basics. Ketchup, mustard, salad dressing... basically, condiments! We cooked burgers and fries and made a salad. We all stuffed ourselves - all that walking certainly does good for ones appetite! We finally got home by 1030. The kids had passed out 1/2 way home - exhausted. We just carried them into bed. After we unloaded the rest of the car, we finally sat down just in time to watch Trading Spaces. I managed to get through the first episode with Doug and Frank. I didn't like either room.. Frank's room was just awful - the worst I have ever seen him do. I decided that I was going to watch the 2nd episode in the bedroom. Big mistake. I passed out before Vern and Edward even got started on the paint! I wanted to see the rooms too! Paul fell asleep in the living room too. He woke up around 230am, turned everything off and came into the bedroom to find me zonked out with lights on and TV going. ::grin:: Mom came down today for a visit and lunch and I have to say that I was pretty damn nervous about seeing her with no hair. See, my Mom used to have waist length hair. Yes, it was a long time ago but I will always remember Mom, wearing her hair up in a knot or with a bandana covering her hair when she cleaned the house on the weekend. It was shoulder length for over 10 years and now she is bald. I did good - I caught a look before she came inside. She was wearing a soft cap to keep her head covered. Moira was all execited about Mom being bald. Goofy kid. After she left, we did stuff around the house. I took the kids up front to ride their bikes. It was gorgeous today! Sunny and cool. After dinner - the kids played and I folded a ton of laundry ::ick:: Kids got a bath, book and hustled into bed. We watched the Sopranos - wooooohoo! Are things heating up over there or WHAT!!?! WHEW! I am exhausted! All this writing! I am gonna check out a few blog and then hit the rack!
Finally sitting down to write for a little while.. thank goodness it's Friday.
We are going up to Hoboken to visit my sis in law tomorrow. We will be stopping at the mega Toys R Us in Times Square, if the weather holds out for us. I haven't been to the city in a long time. I will have to bring my camera and take lots of pictures.
Paul was at Mom's place today. He set up her new 15" LCD monitor and we got her 17" CRT - a bonus since Moira's monitor died about 2 months ago. She has been nagging us for a new one. Woohoo! Thanks Mom!
Well - off to finish the laundry and the bread.. I'll catch ya'll sometime soon!
(link snagged from Joan who snagged it from Melly)
Love Test
1. You are attracted to those who have split personality, like cold as ice on the outside, but hot as fire in the heart. (That's very much like Paul)
2. In the process of courtship, the approach that would make you feel irresistable is moods-swing, blow hot and cold in love, vacillate.
3. The impression you would like to give to your lover is stylish.
4. You don't like it when your partner is emotional and/or too moody; and you don't know how to please him/her.(I just don't like when he is pissy! LOL!)
5. The kind of relationship you would like to build with your partner is one that you care not only about the present but also the future with your partner, a long-lasting relationship that you can grow with. (Absolutely)
6. You care about the society and morality, you won't do anything wrong after marriage. (Bahahahahahahaha!)
7. You think of marriage as a precious thing. Once you get married, you'll treasure it and your partner very much. (Always have and always will)
8. At this moment, you don't want to be tied down by a steady relationship, you just want to flirt around. (guess I had better let Paul know about this one - LOL!)
I just caught Justin Timberlake's new video. Hmm.. the song is ok but there is a TON of sexual innuendo. In the video too. The next video was Christine Aguilera's "Dirrty". It was like MadMax meets Mary J Blige meets Alcatraz. 'Dirrty" does not being to describe it. Sad to say, I think she has one helluva voice.. much better than Twittney's. She was just barely dressed in the video. I saw her thong (from every angle.. and I mean EVERY) more than I would care to admit.
I wonder if I can raise Moira in a box?
It's time for the Friday Five!
1. What size shoe do you wear? 9 or 9.5 depending on the shoe
2. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Hehehe. Wait.. gotta go count them. ::3 minutes later:: only 37. I actually cleaned out my closet about a month ago and donated 10-12 pairs that I hardly wore or didn't like anymore
3. What type of shoe do you prefer (boots, sneakers, pumps, etc.)? Loafers - they go with everything. I want red suede ones ::drool::
4. Describe your favorite pair of shoes. Why are they your favorite? Hmm - well, my favorite summer shoes were my red slides. I have my eye out for a new pair of clogs for fall.
5. What's the most you've spent on one pair of shoes? I spend $145 for a pair of black Frye boots. I also spend $125 for red cowboy boots. God - they were cool!
From Christine -
"Blurker (BLUR-kur): n. 1. One who reads many blogs but leaves no evidence of themselves such as comments behind; a silent observer of blogs. 2. One who reads many blogs but has no blog of their own; a blog-watcher or blog voyeur."
So - how many Blurkers are out there?? Hmmm??
After Moira got off the bus, we had to zoom home and get her dressed in her soccer gear and hustle her over to the soccer fields. When she had her pictures taken a couple weeks ago, it was 730pm by the time they were taken! It was DARK! Needless to say, her pictures didn't turn out. The photographers called me last week to reschedule. That was pretty decent of them.
Paul had the day off today. He had to drive his parents so they could get some medical procedures done. My sis in law (who was in the hospital) was supposed to take them. My sis in law is home now. She had her gall bladder removed. Ick.
I'm back. We hit WallyWorld, the butcher shop and Debbie's house (to pick up Brownie stuff). I had to give Olivia a dose of Benedryl before we left the house. She had some wacky looking rash all around her mouth. Poor kid. I think it's from the cat. ::sigh:: I emailed a local animal rescue to see if they would take Darla. Of course, I would also give a hefty donation too. Anyway, by the time we got back home, Olivia was all woozy so I carried her in to her bed. She curled right up and went back to sleep. Poor baby.
Off to WalMart again. I think I should have my own freakin section. I have to pick up stuff for Brownies. We will be making Halloween door hangers - foam hangers with foam ghosts, pumpkins, witches, etc.. Should be cute!
Oh, Moira will be participating in the troop nut sale (had to be nuts ::sigh::) so if anyone would like to purchase a can or two, feel free to email me an order.
: - )
From Television Without Pity:
The Sopranos - last season.
"Cut back to the Pine Barrens, with Paulie answering his cell phone once again. Tony explains that he's going to talk fast, and relates that Drunk Guy once killed sixteen Chechens with his bare hands. He was some sort of Russian "Green Beret" commando with the Interior Ministry (read: KGB, or FSB, or whatever they're calling it these days). Tony is emphatic: "This guy cannot come back to tell his story, okay?" That much Paulie did hear. The connection gets broken, and just like in every game of telephone you ever played as a child, the story gets a little twisted when Paulie passes it along to Christopher. "You’re not going to believe this. The guy killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. He was an interior decorator." Chris is more than a little confused by this, saying, "His house looked like shit."
This was my favorite episode. I laughed SO freakin hard. I watched it every time it was aired on HBO that week.
All you people need to stop having birthdays! LOL! Happy belated birthday to Allan! ::Smooch::
I'm here! I'm here!
Sorry for the 1 day absence! Yesterday was just SO Monday. I had to bake a pie for Bonkos, bake bread, clean the house, run laundry and I still had to run out to pick up more stuff for Bonkos. I forgot drinks and cups! DUH. I had to bring Olivia with me to Bonkos because Paul had taken Moira to soccer. He stopped by later to pick her up. Both girls wanted to stay and play! It was fun hosting the game (at Tracy's house) but I am glad I won't have to do this again for a year! I did have fun shopping for the prizes. Candles, picture frames, cute little pillows, fall decorations... a good time was had by all. AND - my pie was demolished! None left over at all.
I am going to have another cup of coffe and surf for a little while longer. I need to catch up on ya'll!